Punching Down, or Why I Gave Up on Comedy

As I write this, it’s 11:04 AM on Saturday, October 16, 2021 and I just cancelled my Netflix subscription. If you’re wondering, yes, it is because of the Dave Chappelle special, or more specifically it’s because of the fallout from the Chappelle special and the way Netflix is treating their employees. This post will probably …

Screaming Into the Void

I’m a Babylon 5 fan.  A huge Babylon 5 fan.  I loved the show growing up.  I occasionally slip homages or references into my work.  Babylon 5 was, much like Star Wars and Star Trek, a formative experience for me, both as a person and as a creator.  As some of you may know by …

I’m Not An Imposter (But I Sure Feel Like One).

CW: Homophobia, Transphobia, Trans-misogyny Two days ago, I started work on a new novel called ‘The Defective Paragons’.  It took me a little over a day to write the first chapter, because I wanted to get it right.  Actually, I wanted to get it perfect.  I wanted to capture a specific feeling, but I struggled …

A Response to Entitlement and Privilege

This is a repost of a thread I posted over on my twitter account My Original Tweet: @straczynski Can you say one way or the other at this point whether we’ll get to see any explicitly queer characters this time? Response from: Ed C. Ex-cop. Linux-head. Day trader. @n7ekg Replying to @themollyjay and @straczynski Why …

The Myths of Forced Diversity and Virtue Signaling.

In my novel Mail Order Bride, the three main characters are a lesbian and two agendered aliens.  In my novel Scatter, the main character is a lesbian, the love interest is a pansexual alien, and the major side characters include a half Cuban, half black Dominican lesbian, a Chinese Dragon, a New York born Jewish …

Status Report 09/23/21

Mail Order Bride: On Submission Scatter: On Submission The Master of Puppets: Getting a Pre-Edit Proof Read Transistor: Waiting for Pre-Edit Proof Read The Inevitable Singularity: Waiting for Pre-Edit Proof Read The Defective Paragons: Drafting Aether: Drafting Slick: Outlining The Long Way Round: Research Phase

Painful Realities and Comforting Lies

Earlier I made a post about Supergirl 6×12 and how Diverse and Marginalized voices are needed because they often speak to each other across lines of marginalization.  The post came almost entirely out of my reaction to the episode, but I feel like I can’t address my own reaction without addressing other people’s reaction, and …

When Trauma Speaks to Trauma

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was watch Supergirl Episode 6×12.  For those of you who don’t know, the episode titled Blind Spots was cowritten by Azie Tesfai, the actress who plays Kelly Olsen on the show.  The story deals with the fallout from one of Supergirl’s Superhero battles, and …

My Writing Process

Someone on one of my Discord Servers asked me what my writing process is.  I thought I would share the answer here. I see an idea. I steal the idea. I over analyze the idea. I spend time obsessing over all the things I don’t like about the original execution of the idea. I fix …