Monthly archives: January, 2023

Updated Audio Cover for Scatter!

Cover Image for Scatter: The Hearts of Heroes 1 Audiobook by Molly J. Bragg, Narrated by by Jennifer Pickens.

I’m pleased to finally be able to share the updated cover for the Scatter: Hearts of Heroes 1 Audio book.  Do to some unfortunate circumstances, the previous narrator had to bow out of the production.  However, we have been very lucky to have Jennifer Pickens step in and take over as narrator.  The Audiobook Edition …

Blood of the Basilisk is Available for Preorder

Blood of the Basilisk eBook Cover

I’m pleased to announce that my fifth novel, Blood of the Basilisk, which will be released on February 28th, 2023 by Desert Palm Press, is now available for Preorder. Kota’s used to it just being her and her tiny dragon Pyter, but when she volunteers to take care of a half demon slave woman named …