Monthly archives: November, 2021

Obligatory Thanksgiving Ramble

So, this post is late.  For Patreon, a week late, for my other blogs, a few hours.  I’ll start by apologizing for that.  It’s been kind of a hard couple of weeks for me for a few reasons, and my focus has been all over the place.  That said, I did want to make the …

Ignore the Tulips

One of the things I do is spend a lot of time thinking about the future.  It’s a hazard of being a science fiction author.  The future is our bread and butter.  But the thing is, when you sit around thinking about the future, you start to see certain trends, and you start to realize …

Cover Artist News

So, I can’t drop the name yet because the contracts are still pending, but I just got word that the artist I requested is doing the cover for Scatter, and I am so excited I’m practically bouncing.  You guys, the cover is going to be absolutely amazing!  I’ll drop the name as soon as I …

How Does It Feel?

On Friday, October 29th, at 7:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, I received an email.  The subject read, “manuscripts” and the body of the message was: “Hi Molly, The Submission Committee has sent me their responses concerning your manuscripts and I would like to discuss contracts publishing both of them. Can we have a skype or …

The Vilification of Kindness

I was born in 1976, so must of my childhood memories are from the 80’s and 90’s.  My first real moment of political awareness was Reagan getting shot.  Before that, I’m not sure I was aware that we had anything called a President, or a government.  I might have been, but if I was, I …